Hebraic Roots Network was founded in August 2011 to bring together like-minded ministries dedicated to taking solid Biblical teaching to the world. These ministries present the Scriptures from a Hebraic perspective, allowing the viewer to gain a deeper understanding through First Century context, Hebrew language, proven Biblical study methods, and practical applications that tie together both ends of Scripture. The teachers on HRN are time-tested people of good character, who have dedicated their lives to bringing forth a clearer understanding of the Word to people across the globe. At this hour, Hebraic Roots teachers stand together demonstrating unity, not uniformity, to the millions of Believers awakening to their lost heritage. Our desire is to lead by example. We pray that Hebraic Roots Network will bring unity and continuity to the Body of Messiah with outstanding programming. Each presenter presents from his or her own unique perspective. The teachers’ Biblical point of view is just that – their point of view. While we strive to present a unified vision and message, at times there may be a teaching that stretches those parameters. At those moments, we ask that you consider the entirety of our work, and grant us the grace that is associated with a Believer in Yeshua. Over time, our team of teachers has grown. We leave the door open for those stable and able teachers who have good fruit on their tree, a humble attitude, and a team perspective. Our programming will increase in scope and depth. By allowing Messiah Yeshua to lead, our goal is a bright future for Hebraic Roots Network through blessing the Father’s people. His Torah is truly a lamp to our feet and a light unto our path. Our desire is to lift up Yeshua’s Name above all others, proclaiming the eternal nature of His Word through the Hebraic lens of His Life.