Running Man Self Regulation Skills Project

Jul 22 2024 3
Running Man Self Regulation Skills Project Podcast artwork

A discussion of what happens to me under stress, anxiety and pain and how our ability to think, choose and act under stress of a modern life with a paleo-caveperson wiring and survival programming.

 Do you want to understand why you do things that you do that are socially inappropriate or negative when we are under stress? 

Why do I find it difficult to make good decisions under stress? 

Why is it that I can see what I want to say but I cannot articulate what I want to say in a tense or stressful situation.?

We will get the answers from psychology, neuropsychology, physiology, sociology, biology and social dynamics in an integrated format in common everyday language format without getting too far in the scientific weeds. 

Tell me what you would like to hear on the podcast and your feedback is appreciated: [email protected]