"Saving Spring" - The Lemonade Art Fair

Apr 21 2020 4 ep.

We’re all feeling it, the slow days at home merging into one another, the dance of distance when we finally can, or must, get out for a bit…but...


Here, actually.
Here https://www.spreaker.com/show/saving-spring-the-lemonade-art-fair
Yes, life handed us lemons, so we made Lemonade... an evolving art fair you can visit anytime, anywhere...
"Saving Spring" - The Lemonade Art Fair, is here to help us cope til we get to the other side of this complicated situation. The Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/lemonadeartfair will be the hub for all information and announcements, including special events! Stay tuned...

To exhibit, email [email protected]