Shhh We’re Reading Dirty Books

Mar 04 2025 100 ep. 63 mins 250
Shhh We’re Reading Dirty Books Podcast artwork

So... what are you wearing? Nothing but headphones, you say? Well that’s perfect attire for you to join us, Calina and Saylet, in our new podcast ’Shhh We’re Reading Dirty Books’. We welcome adults to listen and join us in our discussions about hot and steamy paranormal romance novels, while also breaking down walls that keep women and our friends from speaking openly about our sexuality and ultimate fantasies. We invite you join us as we enter multiple supernatural worlds and to share your guilty pleasures with us. We have some old Fantasy Football episodes you can skip - those aren’t so sexy. ***We would love and appreciate if you could Subscribe then Rate & Review us on iTunes! Follow us @ShhhDirtyBooks on FB, IG, Twitter as well as on our website at Thank you for joining us!***