Spark Joy in EDU

Sep 29 2024 17 ep. 37 mins 1
Spark Joy in EDU Podcast artwork

Are you seeking to reinvigorate or reveal joy in yourself in education? Elisabeth Bostwick and Tisha Richmond will encourage you to actively cultivate joy in your EDU journey through reflection, inspiration, and practical strategies for educators to use in both their personal and professional lives. Tune in to hear relatable stories, tips, and thoughts from fellow educators and learn how we can actively create our own joy- leading to greater fulfillment. Hosts are leveraging Lis's message from Take the L.E.A.P.: Ignite a Culture of Innovation, in combination with Tisha's message from Make Learning MAGICAL: Transform Your Teaching and Create Unforgettable Experiences in your Classroom, to inspire educators to reflect and take action on how they can spark joy in a variety of ways throughout their EDU journey.