Stage Door, a theatre podcast hosted by two average guys. Hosted by Kyle Omlor, Ron Matanick, and Th

Dec 06 2024 230 ep. 30 mins 3
Stage Door, a theatre podcast hosted by two average guys. Hosted by Kyle Omlor, Ron Matanick, and Th artwork

Two average guys covering the local theatre scene in NW Ohio and SE Michigan. Speaking to all Directors, Producers, Choreographers, Set Designers, Stage Managers, and anyone else connected to stage theatre. They're not the experts, but luckily their guests are, so the guest does most of the talking. Toledo Ohio, Sylvania, Perrysburg, Waterville, Whitehouse, Oregon Ohio, Adrian Michigan, Sandusky, Huron, Maumee, Holland Ohio, Rossford Stage Door on Facebook Stage Door on Instagram