第三浪 SurgeLong

May 31 2024 71 mins
第三浪 SurgeLong Podcast artwork

Hi 我是 Flow, 欢迎来到我的播客「第三浪」。借助 AI 的能力,我把科技领域一些给我很多启发,极具价值的英文谈话制作成一系列中文播客。这样做的初衷是想将那些引人思考的对话分享给更多的人。我相信,无论是科技爱好者,还是对新知识充满好奇的朋友,都能在这里找到价值和灵感。 Hi, I'm Flow. Welcome to my podcast 'SurgeLong'. With the help of AI, I have transformed some of the most inspiring and valuable English conversations from the tech world into a series of Chinese podcasts. My initial intention in doing this was to share these thought-provoking discussions with a wider audience. I believe that both tech enthusiasts and those curious about new knowledge will find value and inspiration here.