Tarot for the End of Times - A Podcast with Sarah Cargill

Jun 21 2024 29 ep. 37 mins 177
Tarot for the End of Times - A Podcast with Sarah Cargill artwork

How do we commune with metaphysical archetypes as ancestors of the collective during times of deep change? This podcast explores this question through the Major Arcana cards of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck. Meet us at the crossroads where Black queer feminist spiritualities, mindfulness, and community care meet! . Sarah Cargill (she/they) is an artist, cultural worker, and spiritual care practitioner. Snakeskin Tarot (est. 2021) is the home of her practice. . www.snakeskintarot.com | IG: @snakeskin.tarot . (Music by Blue Dot Sessions - "Speaker Joy". Attribution-NonCommercial License.)