The Bill Handel Show Podcast

Sep 26 2024 24 ep. 29 mins 39
The Bill Handel Show Podcast artwork

Bill Handel has been in broadcasting since 1985. It was a fluke how he got in, and it's probably a fluke he's still here. 

He has spoken with murderers, Presidents, titans of business, but best of all, people who are so unbelievably crazy, it's almost beyond belief.

His morning show broadcasts Monday through Friday, 6:00 am to 9:00 am Pacific on KFI AM 640. It's about everything and nothing: politics, history, serious and crazy current events, analysis, and tons of personal stories. For example, he's only been arrested once.

His weekend show, Handel on the Law (nationally syndicated), is about his "marginal" legal advice. As an attorney (strangely enough not disbarred yet), he redefines legal malpractice. It's great fun.

The people who call in for legal advice are either extremely old, demented, in mental facilities, living in dumpsters, unintelligible, or any combination of the above.

And now, he brings his breathtaking and mind-blowing broadcast skills to The Bill Handel Show Podcast.

You can find him online: