The Complete Sinner's Guide

May 08 2022 79 ep. 62 mins 9
The Complete Sinner's Guide Podcast artwork

Our mission at CSG is simply this: Take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth and make disciples of all nations through the preaching of God's Word (Matthew 28:19)!!! During that journey, we are searching through every page of the Bible in our pursuit to understand the TRUTH of what God Himself has revealed: about Himself, and about us, His creation. We invite special guests dedicated to their particular fields of study on the podcast, to give us their perspectives on current and historical questions and issues the Church as a whole as faced throughout the centuries! We ask the experts the questions and invite you to weigh in on the conversation with OPEN PHONES on nearly EVERY EPISODE! In other words, The whole CSG community is examining ALL PERSPECTIVES of the claims made about what God's Word "really says" (Acts 17:11), discerning them, to get to the bottom of God's truth! All of our content and resources are 💯% FREE as we believe the Gospel should be preached to all FREE OF CHARGE so we invite you to listen, weigh in, and share this ministry with loved ones! God bless you all and stay tuned...we're just getting started learning about The Triune God!