The Dad Presents:

Mar 24 2023 25
The Dad Presents: Podcast artwork

The Dad Presents is a podcast for Libertarian Dads who value family, friends, and freedom. The Dad talks about things Dads dig: Liberty, Politics, Money, Entertainment, Sports, and gives out parenting advice that you would probably be smart to ignore. The Dad tackles all of the important subjects American Dads care about today: racial issues, the drug war, and whether or not wives should get the death penalty for nagging. What The Dad won’t tell you is that the entire podcast is just a ruse to keep you occupied and distracted as he lures you into joining his cult. Next thing you know, you’ve given The Dad all your money, you’re living in a log cabin in New Mexico, drinking potion and getting ready to blast off in his spaceship to Zarcon-22. Muwahahahahaha! Tune in today to The Dad Presents to be entertained and amazed by the Dads pedestrian wit and his fantastic celebrity guests. Please click “follow” and you might be rewarded with a special delivery package containing The Bride’s famous cookies (No, not that kind of cookies, you perverts!)