The End of Days Update

Mar 01 2025 227 ep. 10 mins 5
The End of Days Update Podcast artwork

Joe & Colleen Morris For the last 25 years, Rev. Joseph has been traveling and ministering the Word of God all over the world. He and his wife, Colleen, minister in churches, Bible schools, oversees conferences, and other events throughout the year. Joseph has been featured on the God Channel in Europe, the Sid Roth Program, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), and on Iranian TV. Their focus is on seeing people rise up and walk as sons and daughters of God. Preparing you, the believer, for your next appointment – ‘the reward seat of Christ’, and the coming of the Lord. As a believer listening to their messages, you will be challenged to use your God-given equipment to bring in the last days harvest and accomplish something great for God in your generation.