The Haunted Podcast

Jul 11 2023 68 ep. 54 mins 40
The Haunted Podcast artwork

Since the huge media interest in the paranormal over the last few decades, many of us have a thirst for an understanding of the unexplained. People like us who have a genuine interest in this world, will know that most of the media and podcasts covering this subject follow the same mundane format and fail to offer detailed research and credibility from start to finish! But we are different! We feel it is essential to start at the roots of the unexplained phenomenon to try and understand the nature of the paranormal and if or where it started. Many ghost stories are embedded in our history, culture or sometimes religion and has become a part of our everyday life. Frequently evidence gives us more and more proof of life after death and the unexplained. Our aim is to present you with a collection of historically accurate, well researched and terrifying cases from around the world. We will use our extensive knowledge and own credible experiences to try and give you an unbiased view and explanation into some of the most unusual, unexpected and up to date cases. Presented to you by; Vanessa Mitchell - Former owner of Britain's most haunted house, The Cage Medieval prison in St. Osyth. Since a child Vanessa has had an ability to connect with spirit, this continued throughout her life and still has contact with that world to this day. Her life in The Cage is famously documented in the media and though out the world. Vanessa's extreme experiences of the house have lead her on a quest to unearth the answers surrounding many haunted cases. She wants to use her knowledge and understanding of hauntings to help others in seeking advice, guidance and answers. Freddie Young - A born sensitive and life long resident of St. Osyth. Freddie Lived in an ancient house on the same road as The Cage. Similarly to The Cage story Freddie's house had a dark past with its own share of tragedy. Since then the house has been actively haunted and he was plagued as a child with paranormal experiences. Off the back of his formative years in a haunted house Freddie has gained a deep and to him necessary personal interest in the unexplained and life after death. Our resident historian. After a life long interest in History, she graduated from the University in 2011 with BA (Hons) in History. She continued her studies further and gained her Masters of Arts degree in History University in 2015. She is a specialist in 18th & 19th century history with a particular interest in illegitimacy. After a decade of experience and studying, her wealth of knowledge covers a multitude of time periods.