The Iron Table

Mar 02 2025 60 ep. 56 mins 2
The Iron Table Podcast artwork

The Iron Table is a forum where Black men can discuss topics from their perspective. Topics range from relationships, mental health, emotional health, life skills, social awareness, etc. As iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17), the idea is that men sharpen men. The sharpening can happen when men are willing to be transparent and proactive in addressing situations and circumstances that can tear us down when not handled. While this is geared toward men, the topics affect women and the family. As leaders of the home, we need to discuss issues that can be light on the surface but can reveal some profound truths in reality. There are many forums where comedy is used to skirt around issues, and while humor is good and needed, it can often be a crutch. The Iron Table is designed to be the platform on which men are forged into leaders in their homes and personal lives. The Iron Table is a place where the only thing fed is truth.