The Knuckle Draggin' Billy Goat Review

May 26 2019 3 ep. 45 mins 4
The Knuckle Draggin' Billy Goat Review Podcast artwork

Mike and I have been discussing starting a podcast in the past month or so. We decided to jump right into the debauchery that is the podcast world. I sound like such an old man when I say this, but who cares? For those of you that don’t know us, we served at Beale AFB, CA together as aircraft mechanics. Our friendship has been strong over the years after our service obligation is up. We missed the family atmosphere with all the brothers and sisters we got to know over our tenure in the World’s Greatest Air Force. In the beginning, our focus is to have open and honest discussion about pretty much anything. Mike is a little right of center on the political spectrum, and I am a little left. We intend to have guests on from all walks of life. In particular, we’d like to reconnect with our fellow teammates and just explore life in general. It should be noted that this is not a perfect process. We will be starting from the ground up. We both have full-time jobs, family obligations, and other extracurricular activities that will take a drain on our time bank. However, do not despair! We intend to make this the best veteran ran podcast out there. Thanks, Mike and Josh!