Gerry McCullough - award-winning Irish writer and poet from Co. Down, Northern Ireland. The 2005 winner of the international Cuirt Award, from Galway Arts Centre; and short-listed for the 2008 Brian Moore Award, in Belfast, Gerry is married to singer/songwriter and media producer, Raymond McCullough. Gerry has had many stories and poems printed in various magazines, in two books of short stories, broadcast on BBC radio, and has had more than 30 of her Old Seamus Irish stories published in 'Ireland's Own' magazine, from Waterford. Her first full-length novel, 'Belfast Girls', was published in November 2010 by Night Publishing, UK, and is available on in paperback & Kindle formats. It can also be heard as a separate podcast on iTunes, etc. Produced by Raymond McCullough, Precious Oil Productions Ltd