The Tenth Man

Jun 04 2024 6
The Tenth Man Podcast artwork

Deep, surprising analysis and commentary on US and world affairs with the goal to "think outside the box".  Original, and different, with no ads or filler.

Once a week we'll do a deep dive into a current topic, pointing out the facts which are hidden in plain sight.   The mainstream media repeat misinformation, we'll show you the obvious truth, and the little-known facts which the experts all know, but have been keeping to themselves.  

Is there an epidemic of violence?  No, crime is going down. 

Should we accept all the asylum seekers?  We already accept more than any other country.

Topics my be up-to-the-minute, or may be timeless. 

All people may be good, but some are misinformed so we'll shine a light on climate change, feminism, vegetarianism, gun control, reverse-discrimination, illegal migration and the radical left.

Witty, jarring, but always kind.