The Truepenny Show

Mar 08 2025 500 ep. 67 mins 2k
The Truepenny Show Podcast artwork

Three shows that try and give well rounded discussion to everything in wrestling around the world. The Wrestling Rewind is hosted by Darragh O’Connor and Dave Stephens as they take an in-depth look at the stories in North American pro wrestling from the previous week. They look at WWE, Impact Wrestling, Ring of Honor with a wry sense of humour but go deep on the issues facing the industry in North America. If it's wrestling and it's a little bit different, The Truepenny Show covers it. James Truepenny and his crew of wrestling experts from around the world; Chelsea Spollen, Christy of Wrestling Sexism and NJPW Gifs, Alex Watt, Alex Edwards, Marcus Green, John Dinsdale of Steel Chair Magazine and Simon Heath take you on a journey around the pro wrestling world. Today at . . . is James’ show where he gives a quick round up of the day's action at any given event around the world on any wrestling day. The G1, The Best of Super Juniors, World Tag League and Wrestle Kingdom week have been covered so far with more shows to look at throughout the year.