Tripping with Nick Sun' is a podcast that seeks to explore the fundamental question: How do we live as human beings during these crazy times without losing our freaking minds?
Consider this an attempt to remember what has been forgotten, in order to retrace the steps that led us to where we are today, wondering what the hell is going on.
Nick interviews a wide variety of people on the cutting edge of human experience to help provide unique perspectives on navigating these uncertain times, picking up helpful tips on how to bet cultivate the most effective metacrisis mindset.
This podcast is a wide ranging and open ended exploration of psychedelic plant medicine, indigenous knowledge, the occult, alternative healing, modern masculinity and femininity, rites of passage, modern sexuality and a lot, lot more.
Nick Sun was a stand up comedian for 13 years, until a spiritual crisis sent him down the long and winding healing path for over seven years. Over the last decade Nick has explored many modalities in an effort to heal himself, exploring a multitude of embodiment disciplines, psychotherapy, martial arts, vision questing, spiritual practises, shamanic ritual and of course lots psychedelic plant medicine, training and working as an underground psychedelic plant medicine facilitator for a 7 year period.