Turn Up The Volume | Volume Up: YSWN’s Audio Equity Standard

Jan 30 2025 8 ep. 17 mins
Turn Up The Volume | Volume Up: YSWN’s Audio Equity Standard Podcast artwork

Turn up the Volume is a positive campaign that has been put together to raise awareness of the barriers faced by girls, women and minority gendered people in the audio and sound industry. In this podcast we speak to pioneers within the audio space who are pushing for change and discuss the eight strands of Volume Up - Yorkshire Sound Women Network. Based on our research and life experience, this framework looks to support organisations in making changes in 8 key areas where we had seen or experienced barriers. These strands are: Understanding and Awareness Workspace Culture Working Practices Pay Progression & Professional Development Recruitment Marketing & Communications Advocacy & Support Each episode provides insight into where the audio and sound industry is currently. and provides some tangible actions that can be taken to start working towards a more gender equitable workspace.Our mission is to inspire and enable more women, girls and people of minority genders to explore sound and music technology. We want the industry to welcome, encourage, progress and respect the inclusion of women and minority gendered people into the workforce at all levels from studio floor to boardroom to reflect the diversity of its participating communities. If you’d like to find out more about Volume Up, please visit the Industry section of our website and email us at [email protected] Produced and Presented by Ngaio Anyia | YSWN’s Audio Equity Champion Edited by Jo Kennedy | YSWN Associate Interviews with Xylo Aria (Music Production for Women) Laura Lewis Paul (Saffron) Isobel Anderson (Girls Twiddling Knobs) Gnarly Music by Sarah Statham | YSWN Associate