Unf*ck Your Life and Relationships

Jun 18 2024 4
Unf*ck Your Life and Relationships Podcast artwork

Lets face it, our mental health hinges on the quality of our relationships and when our relationships are F*CKED UP, we are F*CKED UP. When our heart hurts, our mind hurts! Issues with a parent, lover, friend, or family member can mentally derail us for weeks, months, or even a lifetime! Relationships bring out the best and worst in all of us so the sooner we learn to UNF*CK our LIVES and RELATIONSHIPS”, the healthier we will be psychologically and physically. This is an undeniable truth. Confront your life and relationships and begin your journey of getting UNF*CKED from the inside out by joining Anita Astley weekly as she and her guests discuss all things relational and psychological.  Anita’s professional knowledge, clinical experiences with patients, and personal F*CKED up life story will bring about jaw dropping raw conversations with music producer and co-host Ryan Rosmann. You will laugh, cry, be entertained, and most importantly walk away with concrete steps to UNF*CK your life and relationships from the inside out.  

Anita Astley, M.ED., LMFT, is a licensed psychotherapist with over 25 years of clinical experience and the published author of “
UNF*CK YOUR LIFE AND RELATIONSHIPS”(Forefront/Simon & Schuster; https://www.amazon.com/Unf-Your-Life-Relationships-Lessons/dp/1637631235).

Ryan Rosmann is a music producer and owner of Hi-Five Studios in Milwaukee, Wisconsinn, home to "UNF*CK YOUR LIFE AND RELATIONSHIPS" podcast.