unRipe - Learning to Embrace the Childless Life

Jul 09 2022 59
unRipe - Learning to Embrace the Childless Life Podcast artwork

A podcast for women (and even men) with an honest voice about the realities of living without children. It is my mission to provide a platform for this global group, to create a supportive environment & community for the Childless and Childfree to share our stories and experiences.(un)Ripe is a vibrant, supportive community hosted by me, Jo Vraca. Each fortnight, I speak with women and men, counsellors, spinsters, hypnotherapists, journalists, authors, women who are in the middle of grief, or who have come through it and are living unexpectedly fabulous lives.I'll help you share your story so we can build advocacy, and find our purpose and meaning when it is not defined by for us through the role of motherhood. I'm on a mission! Join me, as I look to our past, our present and our futures with a global array of special guests so we can change the narrative about childless and childfree life and embrace our lives without children.