Warn Radio Prophetic End of Days

Mar 25 2025 25 ep. 58 mins 57
Warn Radio Prophetic End of Days Podcast artwork

The WIBR/WARN Radio shows are featured with the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower. The Watchman has been the voice of the WIBR/WARN radio show and ministry for over twenty years and Tower his wife has been alongside for longer than that. We began many years ago in the seventies broadcasting in college. We have broadcast around the world through Shortwave, Radio, and satellite. Now we broadcast through our WIBR/WARN Radio network of partners like spreaker and others. One show we focus each week on the Persecuted church. We are an advocate for the Persecuted church and for persecuted peoples groups worldwide. We connect through our broadcast and to listeners, along with those agencies who are on the ground. We inform, advocate, and minister worldwide through our network. We also are a teaching ministry and warning agency for these end of days and focus on indepth biblical and prophetic ministry during our Remnant Battle lines segment of two hours. Finally we offer on Fridays Sound the Shofar is one hour and a half, with shorter focused ministry teachings and discussions. This show is recorded on Audio and on Video at our studio. We feature both Audio and Video HD on our websites of all shows. www.warn-usa.com is our ministry site www.DanaGlennSmith.com is the Watchman's personal and professional writing and resource site. It is the WIBR in action [Watchman Institute for Biblical Research]