Do you love your husband, but you love God more? Through the ebbs and flows of marriage, are you committed to making it work? In this podcast, you will find faith-based solutions to keep you on the path to marriage success. My mission is to equip you to be a wife of strong faith by renewing your mind in Christ and providing you with tactical steps to be the wife God has called you to be. If you’re ready to shift your outlook on marriage, see yourself and your husband as God sees you both - you’re in the right place! Hey y’all, I’m Ashley, wife, mom, and woman of faith. I am a marriage advocate and I believe that marriage should be a beautiful experience of life and love between a husband and wife. My parents divorced after 30 years and it was devastating for me, even as an adult. The end of their relationship made me grapple with what I truly believed about holy matrimony. I came to realize that I wanted to honor God and I wanted a lasting marriage. Divorce would not be a legacy that I left for my children. That’s easy to say, but actually doing it is what takes work. Early on, I had to decide to let God lead me as a wife, swallow my pride, and be honest about how I was hindering the growth of my marriage. I’m walking with God, letting Him lead, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, figuring out how to thrive as a wife. Being a wife is not just something I do, it’s an essential part of who I am. My goal is to be the best that I can be, in the midst of missteps, tumbles, and failures. I’m ready to help you do the same! Let’s love God, ourselves, and our husbands, and stay married! If you are ready to nurture the connection between a thriving marriage, a faith-fueled mindset. and solutions that will empower you to become your own #RelationshipGoals - this podcast is for you! Buckle up WifeTribe, let’s go for a ride. We’re in this together! Next Steps// Connect with me! IG: @wifestylesolutions FB: Join the FB community: