WPRN Public Radio is an independent public radio platform to inform and entertain, bringing off-beat audio stories to life, focusing on radio plays, culture, and artistic sound portraits. Our interests encompass forgotten chapters of history, cultural exploration, capturing simplistic times evoking smiles and fond memories, as well as informed public affairs and contemporary stories of human connections. The audio stories are published on our website and disseminated to regional, national and international news outlets. Hear the magic stories of the beat & hippie generations, the Woodstock explosion, musicians and bohemians amd the best dart throwers as they tell their stories of flower-power life of peace and love with a twinkle in their eyes, as they lived it all those years ago. Relive these interesting tales with us as we explore life from their perspective, while we crisscross the country by motorcycle along the backroads, taking in the local color and bringing it to life with intimate audio stories that tells us who we are and how we came to be this way. It’s a wonderful journey of many miles.