Oct 30 2024 60 mins 1
It has been a turbulant ride for the Labour Party as they have reached their 100 days in office milestone. A low voting percentage, political infighting as well as the all important budget have taken up the bulk of this.
As voters question whether Labour are 'more of the same', host Adam Quinn sits down with British politics expert, Peter Kerr to discuss what has gone well and poorly for Labour so far and what we can expect in the term to come.
We discuss it all here.
Produced by Conor McKenna
You can follow us on Twitter.com/PolWorldView and stay up to date
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Adam Quinn - facebook.com/adamquinn161
Copyright 2023
Music: "Go Cart"
Creator: Kevin MacLeod
License: CC BY 3.
As voters question whether Labour are 'more of the same', host Adam Quinn sits down with British politics expert, Peter Kerr to discuss what has gone well and poorly for Labour so far and what we can expect in the term to come.
We discuss it all here.
Produced by Conor McKenna
You can follow us on Twitter.com/PolWorldView and stay up to date
And Like our facebook.com/polworldview
Adam Quinn - facebook.com/adamquinn161
Copyright 2023
Music: "Go Cart"
Creator: Kevin MacLeod
License: CC BY 3.