Apr 21 2022 62 mins 19
Problemstatement & Learning Goals
In welchen Dimensionen wirkt sich Stigma auf Freundschaften, Familie und Karriere von CNM Menschen aus?
- Was ist Stigma?
- Wie hängt Stigma mit (nicht-)Outing zusammen?
- Gibt es ein “CNM Outing”? Falls ja, wie unterscheidet sich Outing zu anderen Gruppen?
- Wie überschneiden sich verschiedene Outing relevante Diskriminierungskategorien mit CNM?
- Gibt es Auswirkungen von Minority-Angehörigkeit?
- Welche Ressourcen haben CNM Menschen, um sich gegen Stigmatisierung zu behaupten?
Was ist Stigma?
- Duden (n.d.). Stigma. In Duden online. Retrieved April, 1st, 2022, from https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/Stigma
- Stigma + Diskriminierung: Wikipedia “Social Stigma” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_stigma
- Stigma + Vorurteile: Wikipedia “Stigmatisierung” https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stigmatisierung
- “Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine – Stigma” https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4419-1005-9_672
- Holley, L.C., Mendoza, N.S., Del-Colle, M., & Bernard, M.L. (2016). Heterosexism, racism, and mental illness discrimination: Experiences of people with mental health conditions and their families. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 28, 116 – 93. https://doi.org/10.1080/10538720.2016.1155520
→ daraus: Goffman, 1963 “Stigma”. - Phelan, J. C., Link, B. G., & Dovidio, J. F. (2008). Stigma and prejudice: one animal or two?. Social science & medicine, 67(3), 358-367. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.03.022
→ daraus: Allport, 1954 “Prejudice”.
Outing, Coming-Out und Sichtbarkeit
- Brown, J. (2020). ‘Non-monogamy is the hardest thing to disclose’: Expressions of gender, sexuality, and relationships on the university campus. Women’s Studies Journal, 34(1/2), 107-115.
- Gusmano, B. (2018). Coming out through an intersectional perspective: Narratives of bisexuality and polyamory in Italy. Journal of Bisexuality, 18(1), 15-34. https://doi.org/10.1080/15299716.2017.1416510
- Moors, A. C., Schechinger, H. A., Balzarini, R., & Flicker, S. (2021). Internalized consensual non-monogamy negativity and relationship quality among people engaged in polyamory, swinging, and open relationships. Archives of sexual behavior, 50(4), 1389-1400. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-020-01885-7
- Ginsberg, E. K., & Pease, D. E. (Eds.). (1996). Passing and the Fictions of Identity. Duke University Press.
- Klesse, C. (2014). Poly economics—capitalism, class, and polyamory. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 27(2), 203-220. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10767-013-9157-4
- Klesse, C. (2016). Marriage, law and polyamory. Rebutting mononormativity with sexual orientation discourse?. Oñati Socio-legal Series, 6(6), 1348-1376. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2891035
- Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex (1989). Feminist legal theory, 57-80.
Auswirkung von Stigma auf Freund:innenschaften, Familie und Karriere von CNM Menschen
- Witherspoon, R. G., & Theodore, P. S. (2021). Exploring minority stress and resilience in a polyamorous sample. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50(4), 1367-1388. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-01995-w
- Moors, A. C., Schechinger, H. A., Balzarini, R., & Flicker, S. (2021). Internalized consensual non-monogamy negativity and relationship quality among people engaged in polyamory, swinging, and open relationships. Archives of sexual behavior, 50(4), 1389-1400. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-020-01885-7
- Klesse, C. (2019). Polyamorous Parenting: Stigma, Social Regulation, and Queer Bonds of Resistance. Sociological Research Online, 24(4), 625–643. https://doi.org/10.1177/1360780418806902
- Garvey, J. C., & Rankin, S. (2015). The influence of campus experiences on the level of outness among trans- spectrum and queer-spectrum students. Journal of Homosexuality, 62(3), 374-393. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2014.977113
- S. Kisler, T., & Lock, L. (2019). Honoring the voices of polyamorous clients: Recommendations for couple and family therapists. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 31(1), 40-58. https://doi.org/10.1080/08952833.2018.1561017
- Balzarini, R. N., Campbell, L., Kohut, T., Holmes, B. M., Lehmiller, J. J., Harman, J. J., & Atkins, N. (2017). Perceptions of primary and secondary relationships in polyamory. PloS one, 12(5), e0177841. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177841
Sich gegen Stigma behaupten
- Witherspoon, R. G., & Theodore, P. S. (2021). Exploring minority stress and resilience in a polyamorous sample. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50(4), 1367-1388.
- Shih, M. (2004). Positive stigma: Examining resilience and empowerment in overcoming stigma. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 591(1), 175-185. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0002716203260099
- Hutzler, K. T., Giuliano, T. A., Herselman, J. R., & Johnson, S. M. (2016). Three’s a crowd: Public awareness and (mis) perceptions of polyamory. Psychology & Sexuality, 7(2), 69-87.
Für Folge 4: Hierarchien
Problem Statement
Welche Formen von Hierarchien gibt es und welche Implikationen haben (nicht) hierarchisch organisierte CNM Modelle?
Learning Goals
- Learning Goal 1: Arten von Hierarchien
- Learning Goal 2: Auswirkungen positiv/negativ
- Learning Goal 3: Gibt es nicht-hierarchische Beziehungen?
- Weitere Ideen / Referenzen: Hierarchien zw. Geschlechtern?
- Balzarini, R. N., Campbell, L., Kohut, T., Holmes, B. M., Lehmiller, J. J., Harman, J. J., & Atkins, N. (2017). Perceptions of primary and secondary relationships in polyamory. PloS one, 12(5), e0177841. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177841
- Balzarini, R. N., Dharma, C., Kohut, T., Campbell, L., Lehmiller, J. J., Harman, J. J., & Holmes, B. M. (2019). Comparing relationship quality across different types of romantic partners in polyamorous and monogamous relationships. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(6), 1749-1767. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-019-1416-7
- Flicker, S. M., Sancier-Barbosa, F., Moors, A. C., & Browne, L. (2021). A closer look at relationship structures: Relationship satisfaction and attachment among people who practice hierarchical and non-hierarchical polyamory. Archives of sexual behavior, 50(4), 1401-1417. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-020-01875-9