Jan 21 2020 38 mins 1
Victoria shares details about the 2020 UK Dog Behaviour Conference, including new and returning fascinating speakers and a teaser for a brand new important training protocol she will be revealing at the conference.
Also, a discussion about the new research being done to confirm how dogs understand spoken human languages. Victoria shares her thoughts about the public discussion regarding whether shock collars should be used in dog training, including the conversation she had in a radio interview with the Radio Pet Lady recently on the topic. Misconceptions about what positive training is (and isn't) in the great debate about dog training methods.
EPISODE NOTES: A Shocking Discussion
Also, a discussion about the new research being done to confirm how dogs understand spoken human languages. Victoria shares her thoughts about the public discussion regarding whether shock collars should be used in dog training, including the conversation she had in a radio interview with the Radio Pet Lady recently on the topic. Misconceptions about what positive training is (and isn't) in the great debate about dog training methods.
EPISODE NOTES: A Shocking Discussion