Jun 06 2022 23 mins 1
Watch or Listen Now! Possibilities, Options & Dreams: Ep-1 “The Terry Powell Story: Birth of The Entrepreneur's Source" “The Terry Powell Story: The Birth of The Career Revolution”
POD - Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency. The largest Career Ownership Coaching™ organization for nearly 40 years, The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities with our powerful approach to education, awareness and discovery and our unique Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ assessments.
In this episode of the “Possibilities, Options & Dreams” Podcast, Mary, Melissa, Tamara, and Marissa discuss the revolutionary concepts put into a program of action within The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) which has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities. Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome” POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.
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More About This Podcast:
You are painfully aware that the job market has changed dramatically in the last 25 years with more and more layoffs every time there is a downward shift in the economy, with jobs being lost to cheaper labor in other countries and entire industries moving overseas. We have been living in the Career Revolution era where job security no longer exists and pension plans are a thing of the past. Our families, our income, our emotional wellbeing, and the way we must plan for the future have all been drastically affected. Maybe there have been cutbacks in your company. Maybe you have been lucky enough to have survived them but wonder when your turn is coming. Or maybe you didn’t survive the latest layoff and are currently unemployed or underemployed, or perhaps you have even joined the unemployable ranks. Increased levels of fears and uncertainty in today’s workplace don’t leave much room for inspiration or empowerment. In fact, when was the last time you felt inspired or empowered? Think back to when you were a child and the possibilities were endless. You felt you could do anything. You felt empowered, right?
You could dare to dream because failure was not even an option.
You had the ability to focus on the end goal and not on the obstacles in your way. It’s time to regain that ability and redefine your goals. Where is your professional future headed? Are you on track? Will your current path take you where you want to go? This book is the starting point of your journey towards self-sufficiency and financial freedom. Together we will build the framework to define your goals, needs, and expectations, and assist you in determining the proper vehicle to help you attain them.
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