Tom Carter worked in Washington for years, in journalism and then in PR. For three years, he handled media relations at USCIRF, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, where his boss was one Leonard Leo, a key figure in the conservative legal movement and the capture of SCOTUS. The conversation explores the background, influence, and agenda of Leonard Leo; his management style, his use of dark money, his involvement with the Federalist Society and other organizations; his connections to Clarence Thomas and other influential figures; and the extreme radical Catholic religious beliefs that animate his opposition to abortion and LGBTQ rights. The conversation also delves into the potential ramifications of Leo's actions, his expansion into the media and entertainment industry, and the future of his influence. Overall, it highlights the danger and harm caused by Leo's agenda. Plus: Cole Porter lives!
- Leonard Leo is a key figure in the conservative legal movement and has significant influence behind the scenes.
- Leo's use of dark money and his web of organizations have allowed him to boost the conservative legal movement and shape the Supreme Court.
- His radical Catholic beliefs and agenda drive his opposition to abortion and LGBTQ rights.
- Leo's expansion into the media and entertainment industry through the Teneo Society raises concerns about his potential influence in these areas.
- The real-world ramifications of Leo's actions include the erosion of democratic principles and the harm caused to marginalized communities.
00:00: Episode introduction
10:43: Beginning of the interview
22:37: Leonard Leo's Influence and Methods
25:28: Dark Money and Leonard Leo's Organizations
36:55: Relationship between Leonard Leo and Clarence Thomas
47:19: The Libertarian Billionaires and Leonard Leo's Agenda
52:19: The Distinction between Radical Catholicism and Mainstream Catholicism
1:06:26: Leo’s networks
1:17:27: The Virtually Unlimited Financial Resources of Leonard Leo
1:32:16: The Danger and Harm Caused by Leonard Leo's Actions
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