022 | Burnout in Product & why 92% of product people are impacted

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May 29 2024 70 mins   2

Have you ever found yourself feeling like you ‘need to do it all’ to be good at Product? Has it led you to feeling stressed and overwhelmed? If so, you’re not alone.

92% of product people have either been burnt out, or close to burnout.

We spent the last 6 months finding out exactly why this is happening, and what can be done about it.

In this bonus episode, I’m joined by Nick Jemetta, Evelina Dzimanaviciute and Graham Reed, who are all experts on wellbeing in the workplace. You’ll get to know:

  • Exactly why working in Product is the perfect storm for burnout

  • How to recognise the signs and symptoms of burnout

  • What you can do to stay on top of this

  • Why burnout is so high in Product Leadership

  • How product leaders can support others, whilst taking care of themselves

If you’ve ever felt stressed, anxious or overworked in Product - then this episode is for you.

Burnout in Product workshop

This workshop will be covering everything you need to know to understand:

  • Why you’ve experienced burnout

  • The patterns that lead you down this path

  • How to unpick the deep routed behaviours that contribute to burnout

  • Your own personalised plan to continuously prevent burnout

Join us on the last week of June to create the plan that you need. Join the waitlist here:


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