Dec 30 2024 51 mins 3
Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people. -Spencer Johnson
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Firstly 1,712 non-exiting year were added to history – Part 4
Before I start with the short list of the past 1000 years true timeline chronology, I will first present how they firstly added 1,712 non-existing years to true history’s chronology!
All of the history books which exist in the education system are written by AI in the 19th century AD in the German-Nordic Institute, so everything from 1900 AD and back into the history, there is not a single original document, manuscript, or book. They firstly added 1,712 non existing years to the timeline chronology.
I found out about this German-Nordic institute from Macedonian historian, scientist, researcher and publicist by the name of Dr. Petar Popovski, when in his in-depth research of World history found a lot of inconsistencies of fake history German Nordic institute promoted and written about it.
Firstly, 1,152 non-existing years were added to true timeline chronology of history between years 1ad – 1152ad.
Anatoly Fomenko discovered 1,152 non-existing years added to history from the time when Jesus was born until 1152 AD.
A person by the name of Joseph Scaliger, who was a French Jesuit monk, who created what we know as Zero AD, the birth of Christ, and 33 years later Christ was crucified. And that sets the timeline we still to this day follow. So, everyone looks at Zero and goes back, but in reality, this scientist, and a mathematician from Russia by the name of Fomenko, has written 7 volumes about this, and had spent 27 years studding this problem with the history.
Fomenko proved through the use of astronomy, and astronomical forensics that 1152 non-existing years were added to history’s chronology.
According to the star of Bethlehem where it was in the sky at the time, he could reverse-engineer with an algorithm and with the software that he developed, he used the same knowledge of today to actually backdate and calculate that at the point what we know of Zero AD, it was actually in 1152.
It was in 1152 when the Star of Bethlehem was in the specific location in the sky.
2. Secondly, another 263 non-existing years were added to the true timeline chronology of history, pushing it back to 796 AD.
Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz wrote, “Between 1152 AD and 1500 AD historians count approximately 263 years too many in their chronology.”
3. Thirdly, another 297 non-existing years were added to this true timeline chronology of history, between the period of 1500ad – 1900ad, in order to create the so called “Early Middle Ages” which in reality never existed.
According to German historian Heribert Illig, the Gregorian calendar is a lie, and a chunk of 297 years of Middle Ages was completely made up.
In 1991, Heribert Illig claims there was conspiracy back in time by 3 World rulers who got together and changed the calendar, adding to it 297 non-existing years.
Heribert Illig further claims that the trio altered existing documents and created fraudulent historical events and people, in order to back themselves up.
He claims that fake Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne was not in fact a real ruler, but simply a King Arthur-type legend. He explains that through all of this tampering and forgery, an extra 297 years were added to history.
Heribert Illig says that an inadequate system of dating medieval artefacts, as well as an over-reliance on written history are to blame.
According to his research, the years between 614 and 911 AD do not quite add up. The years prior to 614 were full of historically significant events, as were the years after 911, however, he claims that the ones in between were unusually dull.
Heribert Illig was not alone with this claim. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz published a paper in 1995 titled “Did the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?” Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz concluded that Early Middle Ages Never Existed, but it is a fictional fabrication of events and people to fill in that period of non-existing 297 years.
Jesus Christ was born in 1712!
When all of these 1712 non-existing years are taken away, it is only logical to conclude that Jesus Christ was born in 1712ad, only 312 years ago from today's 2024.
Fomenko thought Jesus was born in 1151 because he did not take into consideration another 560 non-existing years added to history's chronology which Niemitz and Illig discovered!
They have messed up the history and its chronology so much that even today religious officials are neck-in-neck with disagreements, because there is NOT a single historical original document which is older than 200 years for anyone to read and consult.
It would be good to mention here that before the creation of the traditional chronology, there were about 200+ dates who wanted to adapt history to the biblical concept. The age difference was really impressive. The period from Creation to Jesus Christ was in the interval between 3,483 and 6,984 years. More than 3,500 years difference.
What they did it was they took names and events from the real Old World Macedonian history and invented a lot of fictional stories which never existed, to create fake narrative of events and names, and published it in millions of fake history books, which New World Order education system is using to teach the masses today.
So, there is not a single ORIGINAL BOOK in existence today which is older than 200 years, and every single public book in existence is a fictional story written by AI in the German-Nordic Institute, which was closed down in 2012, having fabricated every single subject we learn at school and universities around the World.
AI bot utilizes natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and machine learning models to analyse vast amounts of data, including texts, articles, and documents. Through this analysis, the AI writer learns the patterns, syntax, and context of human language, and writes what you have asked to write.
They extended the history firstly by 1,712 year by copying history from country to country, they changed the names and dates of places and characters but used the same history, with a few changed details here and there as different non-existing nations and events were being artificially created.
So, true history is hidden in coded patterns in books that AI was instructed to write, and when they read these books today, they can consult the coded guidelines to de-code it by processing it through a computer, and the computer will write for them the true history of the World, which to the ordinary reader, who does not have access to this software technology for decoding, will have false narrative and different understanding. It is all about games with words.
The true history is hidden in the open in books right there in front of you, but you need to know how to de-code it to be able to understand it correctly.
Remember what Terence Kemp McKenna, an American ethnobotanist and mystic said about ‘Words’:
228. Arabic script and language were invented in Germany in the 19th century!
229. At the same time when Ottomans was being cloned and founded in Germany prior to 1852, Arabic language and script was also newly invented to serve the purpose of the Ottoman Empire. So, Arabic language and script was invented in Germany in the German-Nordic Institute and enforced to be used throughout the whole Ottoman Empire, first in Europe mostly in the Balkans, and then spread to Arabia, Asia, and North Africa, as the Empire extended.
230. Arabic language and script were invented in Europe in the early 19th century by German Oriental Linguists in the German-Nordic Institute for the needs of the upcoming Ottoman Empire, which eventually became the 5th most spoken language in the world today!
231. The Syllabic script of Macedonian Demotics found in the middle text of Rosetta stone was used as a prototype for the construction of the Arabic script, and Macedonian root words were used to create the Ottoman language by inserting many elements to the root words.
Read more about it here:
232. Macedonian Demotic Rune script is a form of writing that is basically a syllable, consonant and vowel rotations and is read from right to left. The reason Arabic script is also read from right to left, because it was copied from Macedonian Demotics to create new phonetic script with changes of the symbols to look different from its source! Today we find many traces and symbols from Macedonian Demotics with the same meaning in the Arabic script, Hebrew script, Japanese script, Chinese script, Tibetan script, Filipino script, etc...
233. Fomenko also found that 80% percent of gold and silver coins in Northern Europe are in Arabic writing, and only 20% percent divided throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
234. And not only that, but thousands swards and artifacts from the 19th century had been inscribed in Arabic script, when freshly cloned Ottomans were being educated in the newly invented language and script, armed with newly made swards, and financed by newly created gold and silver coins with Arabic inscription on them, which were used as a money system in the Ottoman Empire. The reason most of the gold and silver coins, as well as swards written in Arabic script were found in Europe, and only a small number in Arabia, is because they were manufactured in Europe for the needs of German made Ottoman cloned army!
235. Arabic language and script were firstly used in Macedonia and the Balkans, when the Ottoman Empire was firstly established, before it spread to Arabia and other countries in Asia and Africa as the Empire expanded to its biggest size.
The official story we heard about Ottoman invasion which says that nomadic goat herders from the deserts of Arabia came on their camels, miraculously forming the Ottoman Empire, spreading their scripts and books throughout Europe, is a fake fictional story which does not make any sense.
236. This document in the photo below proves the fact that Ottoman script was invented in Germany and was used for the first time in practice in Macedonia when Ottoman empire was established!
237. The document below belongs to Natasa Miteva, who inherited this document for her great grandfather who was living during the Ottoman Empire in the village of Beli in Macedonia.
238. This was a property purchase and sale document which Natasa was trying in vain for a long time to find someone to translate it into Macedonian language.
Eventually she sent a copy of this document to her friend who had friends in Israel, and an old man in Israel told him that this document was written in Farsi script but was not able to translate the content.
239. Officially it is impossible to find a document written in Farsi script in Macedonia, because Iran was never present in this part of the Balkan Peninsula! How did Farsi script ended up in the village of Beli in Macedonia? The only possibility for the presence of Farsi script in Macedonia is if Farsi script first originated in Macedonia and then spread to Iran and the rest of the Arab world.
240. And that’s what exactly happened!
241. The Ottoman Empire, as explained previously, did not originate and did not come from the Arab world, but was founded in Europe, and Constantinople was conquered through the Macedonian territory of The Balkans, and the Farsi script and language was first used here in the Balkans, and afterwards spread to Iran.
242. This document inherited by Natasa’s great grandfather, originating from the village of Beli, has priceless museum value, proving that the Farsi script was first used in Macedonia, and then spread to Arabia. This document also proves that the Ottomans did not come from the Arab world, but from Europe and they firstly established the Ottoman Empire in Macedonia, which afterwards spread in Africa and Asia to the borders of India, and with that the Farsi script spread from Macedonia to Iran.
243. This document was hiding within itself a great secret for a very long time, which eventually revealed its mystery in a great fashion to debunk the biggest lie about the Ottoman Empire!
Part 31
218. In 1852 Ottoman Empire was financed and founded in Germany by the Jesuits!
219. Ottomans did not come from the deserts of Arabia and Anatolia, but from the cloning factories in Germany! … See more
Ottoman Empire was not founded and formed in the deserts of Arabia, but in the cloning factories in Germany where fully grown male clones were being taken out of the incubator machines just in 21 days’ time, and then sent to military camps in Germany to undergo combat training, as well as Ottoman language learning, because they were newborns just like newly born babies.
My grand-parents, as well as other elderly people, who were living in the Ottoman Empire always talked about “men born by a mother’ and “men born by something else”, because they knew that Ottomans were not born naturally by a mother!
220. In just 6 months of combat training and language learning cognitions, Ottoman army of infantry soldiers were ready to be deployed in war zones to kill and pillage no question asked wherever it was required, in a same manner as biological robots who do not possess any human sense to distinguish right from wrong! When these Ottoman combat trained and equipped clones were sent to the Balkans in hundreds of thousands of them, they killed, pillaged, and raped men, women, and children indiscriminately, and for this reason, Macedonian Comity liberation fighters always had with them one last bullet saved to commit suicide, so they won’t be captured alive when they were surrounded without any possibility of escaping.
221. The word “infantry” itself is derived from the Latin word “infants” which means “newborn without a speech”, which it was exactly what these Ottoman soldiers were, newly created grown-up clones just taken out from incubators without a speech. In absence of women, one can only imagine what was going on between these men of cloned soldiers, who could not have distinguished right from wrong!
222. So, Ottoman Empire was founded in Germany, financed and controlled by German Jesuits. The word “Ottoman” is a German word. “Otto” is a masculine German given name and a surname, an element meaning "wealth, prosperity". And “Man” is “man”! So, “Ottoman” means “Man of Wealth”, because it required quite a lot of money and scientific skills to produce fully grown combat clone with basic verbal cognitions.
223. All of Ottoman Pashas were Germans disguised as Arabs. Ottoman empire was founded and financed by German Jesuits, and the highest official title of honour called ‘Pasha -Turkish Paşa’, were all ethnic Germans, and the sovereigns' main rulers Sultan, Padishah (Emperor) and Khan (Clone) were all German Jesuits.
224. When this well-equipped Ottoman army of masculine and combat trained clones marched from Germany to conquer the Balkans, led by German Jesuits called Pashas, and under the command of German Jesuit called Sultan, their ever first Ottoman Empire was established on Macedonian territory, and when all of Macedonia with its capital city of Constantinople was conquered, they marched on to occupy the whole of the Arab world, up to the borders of India, under control from Europe!
225. So, the war was raging on, not only between Ottomans and Macedonians, but between Ottomans and Arabs. If most of the Ottomans were of Arab origin, why waging a war against themselves, it does not make any sense!?! That is the same as saying that from the deserts of Arabia nomad goat herders jumped on their camels, and mysteriously within few decades invaded the Balkans, Middle East and North Africa, stretching their Empire from India to Northern Europe.
226. The truth of the fact is that, not a single soldier in the Ottoman Empire was Arab, Kurd, Armenian, Turk, or Anatolian, because Ottomans were cloned German army of soldiers. Just a remainder here that, during the Ottoman Empire Turkish nation and Turkish state did not exist, but only when Ottoman Empire was dissolved in 1922, Turkish state was newly created.
227. It is well known fact, as written by Anatoly Fomenko, that the invasion of the Balkans, formerly known as Macedonia, and its capital Constantinople, came from Continental Northern Europe, not from Asia. Ottoman empire was founded in 1852, not in 1299 as we were told, and dissolved in 1922, which only lasted for 70 years, and had never established full control of Macedonian Peninsular, today known as Balkan Peninsular.
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WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life
Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life
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