Radical Solutions EP8 - Kath Dalmeny

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Nov 29 2018 18 mins   2
What do we want for Britain after Brexit? We don't need wishful thinking or rehashed ideas. We need radical solutions. So, every Thursday we release an episode where we talk to one inspiring speaker about theirs.

This exciting episode we speak to Kath Dalmeny from SUSTAIN, and she discusses her vision for how we can create a food system that delivers healthy delicious food, good livelihoods and better medicine all while fighting climate change! Comment, share, like, tweet your reactions or tell us your #radicalsolutions!

Next week is the last radical solution, and after that YOU can vote for your favourite one, so follow us on Soundcloud, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter!

This podcast was produced and hosted by Bridey Addison-Child and Tessa van Rens.

This series will see many people interviewed with different opinions. Unlock Democracy is creating a discussion about big ideas, but the views expressed by the guests are not the views of the organisation.

Credits: Music - Blue Dot Sessions

Matt Fawcett (Youtube) Nov 18 2011
Channel 4 News jul 25 2018
Al Jazeera English Jul 22 2017
Bloomberg Nov 8 2017
Euro News Nov 20 2018