Most of the crew huddle against the dark winds of reality, their only light and warmth a microphone and news from the tabletop industry that they must share with you. After expunging a bit of the poison they've absorbed over one hellish week, Rascal's intrepid journalists talk about a fairly beefy news section that includes AI guidelines, weird rules about Warhammer parades, and hobby subreddits ousting Twitter. Plus, questions and what we've been playing lately.
Rascal is gearing up for a pledge drive to celebrate its first birthday! Plans are firming up, but expect to hear more as we get cdeeper into February. In the meantime, you can purchase a gift subscription here for the people in your life who would appreciate some worker-owned tabletop journalism.
Hosted by Chase Carter (
Featuring Caelyn Ellis ( and Rowan Zeoli (
Theme song by People Need Goals.
Cover art logo by Johan Nohr (