Join Elayne Kalila and the wonderful Dr.Kellie Hayes as they travel yet another spiral into the fascinating and perplexing subject of our menopausal rites of passage. As you know, we have been exploring the deeper recesses of what it is to walk through this phase of our lives and to glean the wisdom from within the trial and tribulations.
Elayne Kalila has been delighting in finding women to speak about what it means for us all to find ourselves AGAIN as we go through our peri-menopausal years, and what it truly means for us to enter into a new phase of our lives.
Dr. Kellie has some deep wisdom to share on this subject, and this conversation is a heartfelt, funny, vulnerable, and deeply insightful ride through some of the more difficult, challenging, and beautiful moments that we as women find ourselves in as we go through our own death and rebirth at midlife.
If you are ready to embrace the “Saging” stage of life, this conversation is for you…
Some of what they explore:
- Peri-menopause as a radical reset of everything
- Re-imagining aging as a rebirth not a limitation
- What does it mean to work smarter not harder
- How can we truly celebrate all seasons of our lives?
- What does it mean to become a sacred Sage?
- Who do we want to be as Elders?