Taraji Said Pay ME! Teachings from Taraji to Secure the Bag in 2024

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Jan 06 2024 22 mins   3

Starlet Taraji P. Henson set it off at the end of last year with her honest and authentic breakdown of how she continues to be undervalued and underpaid in Hollywood; even as an A-list actress in the prime of her career. Why did this resonate so strongly with Black women across every industry from Hollywood to high-rise buildings? If you're a Black woman in the workplace you can relate to finding out folks with less experience, education and acumen are making wayyyy more than you for the same gig.

Say whaaattt???

So how do we not have a pity party but be uplifted and empowered and how do we secure the bag despite the haters? Inquiring Rich Black Women want to know! Tune into this episode where I give specific tangible tips and advice that you can enact “tah-day" to ensure you get your paper to work for you. Let’s get it ladies!

#compensation #payme #paytransparency #equity #wealth #blackwomen #careeradvice #blackbloggers #salarynegotiating #taraji #tarajiphenson #blackwallstreet #richblackwomen


Harvard Study: http://tinyurl.com/4ycce3vd



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