Jan 27 2025 11 mins 77
New detective in tow, Open and Shut levels up! Tune into a brief little bonus to find out just what boons they'll gain.
---Our show contains fantasy violence (and the occasional foul language), treat us like a PG-13 program!---
Rolling with Difficulty Patreon:
Rolling with Difficulty Discord:
Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/RWDPodcast/shop?asc=u
Contact the Pod:
[email protected]
Twitter: @rollwdifficulty
Instagram: @rollwithdifficulty
RSS Feed: https://rollingwithdifficultypod.transistor.fm/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RollingwithDifficulty
Tik Tok: @rollwithdifficulty
BlueSky: @rollwithdifficulty.bsky.social
Dungeon Master - Austin Funk
Twitter: @atthefunk
The Set's Journal of Faerun: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/345568/The-Sets-Journal-of-Faerun-Vol-1?term=the+set
BlueSky: @atthefunk.bsky.social
Bileyg - OSP Red
Twitter: @OSPyoutube
Instagram: @overly.sarcastic.productions
Overly Sarcastic Productions: https://www.youtube.com/c/OverlySarcasticProductionsChannel/
Ingrid - Sophia Ricciardi
Twitter: @sophie_kay_
Instagram: @_sophie_kay
Moviestruck: https://moviestruck.transistor.fm/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/moviestruck
BlueSky: @sophiekay.bsky.social
Nix - Olivia
Instagram: @o.k.ros
Art Instagram: @oliviarosarts
Rolls Untold: @rollsuntold
Oobtaglor - Noir
Twitter: @NoirGalaxies
BlueSky: @noirgalaxies.bsky.social
Want to send us snail mail? Use this Address:
Austin Funk
1314 5th Ave
PO Box # 1163
Bay Shore NY 11706
Character Art by @stuckinspace
Background Art by @tanukimi.s
Music by: Dominic Ricciardi
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