Feb 07 2025 232 mins 87
Content Warning: Austin is Gross (Again)
Facing down the Death Tyrant at the heart of the Mortuary, Oobtaglor and Nix are alone, separated from the rest of Open and Shut. Can they maneuver this situation to their advantage? Will they retrieve the body of Nil? Or will the Dead gain two new companions...
---Our show contains fantasy violence (and the occasional foul language), treat us like a PG-13 program!---
Special Thank You to Model Our Nations, Check It Out:
Bring Model Our Nations to your table: bit.ly/modelournations
Special Thank You to Our Friends at Rolls Untold Check Them Out:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@RollsUntold
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/rollsuntold
Instagram: @rollsuntold
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Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/RWDPodcast/shop?asc=u
Contact the Pod:
[email protected]
Twitter: @rollwdifficulty
Instagram: @rollwithdifficulty
RSS Feed: https://rollingwithdifficultypod.transistor.fm/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RollingwithDifficulty
Tik Tok: @rollwithdifficulty
BlueSky: @rollwithdifficulty.bsky.social
Dungeon Master - Austin Funk
Twitter: @atthefunk
The Set's Journal of Faerun: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/345568/The-Sets-Journal-of-Faerun-Vol-1?term=the+set
BlueSky: @atthefunk.bsky.social
Bileyg - OSP Red
Twitter: @OSPyoutube
Instagram: @overly.sarcastic.productions
Overly Sarcastic Productions: https://www.youtube.com/c/OverlySarcasticProductionsChannel/
Ingrid - Sophia Ricciardi
Twitter: @sophie_kay_
Instagram: @_sophie_kay
Moviestruck: https://moviestruck.transistor.fm/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/moviestruck
BlueSky: @sophiekay.bsky.social
Nix - Olivia
Instagram: @o.k.ros
Art Instagram: @oliviarosarts
Rolls Untold: @rollsuntold
Oobtaglor - Noir
Twitter: @NoirGalaxies
BlueSky: @noirgalaxies.bsky.social
Want to send us snail mail? Use this Address:
Austin Funk
1314 5th Ave
PO Box # 1163
Bay Shore NY 11706
Character Art by @stuckinspace
Background Art by @tanukimi.s
Music by: Dominic Ricciardi
Featured Tracks:
Open and Shut Theme
Tense Moment
Investigation Theme
Mysterious Theme
Big Downtime
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