Aug 22 2024 35 mins 1
In this podcast episode, Father Steve Rice and Father Luke Klingstedt discuss various topics including the Assumption of Mary, changes in life, and finding hope and constancy in the midst of change. They reflect on their personal relationships with the Virgin Mary and the significance of the Marian dogmas. They also mention the Anglican Roman Catholic international consultation on Mary and the Immaculate Conception. The conversation then transitions to discussing the changes they have experienced recently, such as the start of new formation series for young adults, the return of youth activities, and personal milestones like James turning one and buying a house.
Keywordspodcast, Assumption of Mary, change, hope, constancy, Marian dogmas, Anglican Roman Catholic international consultation, Immaculate Conception, young adults, youth activities, personal milestones
Sound Bites
00:00Introduction and Technical Difficulties
01:17The Assumption of Mary and the Octave Day
03:02Personal Reflections on the Assumption of Mary
05:07Engaging with Devotions and Practices
06:29The Anglican Roman Catholic International Consultation
07:26Changes in Life and New Beginnings
Keywordspodcast, Assumption of Mary, change, hope, constancy, Marian dogmas, Anglican Roman Catholic international consultation, Immaculate Conception, young adults, youth activities, personal milestones
- The Assumption of Mary and the Marian dogmas are important theological concepts that can be explored and understood within the Anglican tradition.
- Change is a constant part of life, and it is important to find hope and constancy amidst these changes.
- Engaging with devotions and practices related to the Assumption of Mary can deepen one's understanding and faith.
- The Anglican Roman Catholic international consultation provides valuable resources for understanding and discussing Mary and related doctrines.
- Personal milestones and changes, such as the start of new programs and buying a house, can bring both excitement and challenges.
- Engaging with Devotions and Practices
- New Beginnings and Personal Milestones
Sound Bites
- "You know, I have really loved this octave of the assumption."
- "My relationship with the Virgin Mary was complicated."
- "Mary as the new Eve."
00:00Introduction and Technical Difficulties
01:17The Assumption of Mary and the Octave Day
03:02Personal Reflections on the Assumption of Mary
05:07Engaging with Devotions and Practices
06:29The Anglican Roman Catholic International Consultation
07:26Changes in Life and New Beginnings