Feb 03 2024 116 mins 3

在新一代的 Better C 里,Rust、Zig 是经常被对比的两个语言,之前在第五期的节目中聊到过,本期继续讨论这个语言。
本期内容来自 ZigCC 的 2024 New Year Party 线上会议的片段,主要讨论内容:
- Zig 与 C/CPP/Rust 的对比,包括编译速度、大小、抽象程度等
- Zig 可发力的方向。目前看,图像处理(GPU)、嵌入式、游戏是几个比较有潜力的方向
- What is Zig's Comptime?
- webui-dev/zig-webui: Use any web browser as GUI, with Zig in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend.
- EmbarkStudios/rust-gpu:Making Rust a first-class language and ecosystem for GPU shaders
- Rust-GPU/Rust-CUDA:Ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing fast GPU code fully in Rust.
- Bevy Engine:A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust. Free and Open Source Forever!
- Announcing `async fn` and return-position `impl Trait` in traits
- Jonathan Blow 2017–present:Jai programming language, untitled Sokoban game, and Braid, Anniversary Edition
- Is Rust C++-fast? Benchmarking System Languages on Everyday Routines
- Open Computing Language OpenCL | NVIDIA Developer
- Single compilation unit
- Zig's New Relationship with LLVM | Loris Cro's Blog
- Assorted thoughts on Zig and Rust (2020) | Hacker News
- Zig Build System Internals – Mitchell Hashimoto
- Zig roadmap 2024: incremental compilation
- andrewrk/ffmpeg: ffmpeg with the build system replaced by zig
- dtolnay/cxx: Safe interop between Rust and C++
- Plugins in Rust: The Technologies | NullDeref
- make the main zig executable no longer depend on LLVM, LLD, and Clang libraries
- Tauri or Flutter for RustDesk desktop? · rustdesk/rustdesk · Discussion #533

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