Sep 20 2022 15 mins 3
Hey Y'all Hey!
Have you ever had a crazy sex dream and wondered what the dream meant? Have you ever had a sex dream about someone you didn't really like?
On this week's episode of Say It To Me Nice podcast, I discuss a pretty crazy dream that I had that sent me down the rabbit hole of resources and research to better understand sex dreams/dream interpretations. Listen in as I share with you common dream themes and their interpretations.
Say It To Me Nice podcast's mission is to close the orgasm gap by encouraging BIPOC women to prioritize pleasure as a natural and necessary part of life.
If you support the mission of SAY IT TO ME NICE and the pleasure of BIPOC women, share this podcast with everyone! Follow SAY IT TO ME NICE on
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Shout out of the week goes to my friend, Bridget M Williams, LPC of Green Couch Therapy. If you are in Louisiana and seeking support from a sex therapist, follow her on IG @Therapyfordaculture She can also be found on Therapy for Black Girls.