Dec 09 2024 55 mins 14
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GUEST: Darrell E. Herrmann
Millions of Americans are affected by psychosis, a condition that includes schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.
One man, Darrell Herrmann, is sharing his story in an effort to help others who may be diagnosed with similar conditions.
Herrmann, who holds a degree in physical science and served as a military officer, is diagnosed with schizophrenia and has lived with it for 40 years.
Herrmann has written a book titled Straight Talk About Living with Severe Mental Illness. He hopes readers gain a better understanding of psychosis and how to adjust their lives to manage the condition.
We Ask:
- Your Story
- Your Views on Anosognosia
- Difference Between Hallucinations and Psychosis
- Thoughts About Anti-Psychiatry
- Your document on NSSC and your book
- greatest frustrations with the family advocacy movement with regards to serious mental illness
- Re involuntary hospitalization; “A change in the delusion or a different hallucination can totally change the person’s patterns of action in moments. Remember to the person in psychosis the hallucinations and delusions are reality, and for example if he hears a voice that convinces him that someone is out to kill him, he may act in perceived self-defense and kill or harm that person. “
- “Currently the criterion for hospitalization is danger to self or others. This should become actively psychotic instead. ”
Darrell Herrmann - CURESZ Foundation (The guide to psychosis and psychotic illnesses for NSSC)
The YouTube video of Darrell's speech for NSSC on 6 June :
The article I published on LinkedIn titled "The Illusion Of Recovery Oriented Hospitals": Darrell Herrmann’s Post
A link to my book on Amazon (It can also be purchased through Barnes & Nobel)
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