Feb 27 2023 140 mins 1
Anthony "Tony" Mitchell's tragic death occurred just two weeks after he was incarcerated at the Walker County Alabama Sheriff's Office Jail. Despite his ongoing struggle with addiction, Tony's downward spiral was reportedly exacerbated by the recent passing of his father. By the time a concerned family member called 911 seeking medical help for Tony, he had lost a staggering 100 pounds and was in a delusional and agitated state.
Unfortunately, the events that followed resulted in Tony being charged with attempted murder and ultimately dying. While a spokesperson for the sheriff's office claimed that Tony left the facility "alert and conscious" for further evaluation at a nearby hospital, a whistleblower from within the department leaked a video that painted a much different and more disturbing picture. As additional details emerged, the global community was left wondering how a modern American jail could allow a man to freeze to death in its custody.
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