Jan 26 2024 52 mins 4
🎙️Episode 157: Fuck it! Stop Settling for Mediocrity with Athena Vas
This episodes special guest is Athena Vas, the WINNER of Warner Brothers, Bachelor of Greece and author of Fck it. "Fck it," urges you to recognize your worth and stop settling for mediocrity. Forget others' opinions—say "F*ck it" to setbacks, embrace confidence, and build your dream life.
Athena also hosts her own Talk Show in Hollywood, The Athena Vas Show. It is her life mission to help people see their worth, go after their dreams & stop letting the opinions of others hold them back.
I had the pleasure of meeting her in person in Los Angeles. Listen in to hear the story of how we met and how she got on the Bachelor and WON! It’s the craziest story.
She is one of those people that just comes off super fun, extra, and filled with confidence. How did she get to this point?
We go over some huge breaking points and life transformations, dealing with her mothers death, grief and how to get out of depression to how to stop giving a fuck to what other people think.
Listen to this episode if you want that kick in the ass to become who you really want to be and to stop caring what others think.
Grab a copy of her book, F*ck it, now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble here -
Barnes & Noble
Check her out on her Podcast: The Athena Vas Show - Stop Settling for Mediocrity and Instagram - instagram.com/iamathenavas
TOPICS in the episode:
How’d she get on The Bachelor?
How did she win?
Becoming your most authentic and fully-expressed self
How to get over grief, death, and depression
Why she got into Comedy?
What inspired her to write her book?
5 Steps to Mind Blowing SEX ➡️➡️
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