Nov 02 2023 100 mins 1
Dr Sice Rowbottom, famously known as singer/songwriter of the Boo Radleys, is also a chartered psychologist, associate fellow of the British Psychological Society, a prolific practising counsellor and is respected voice within the music industry mental health field. We talk through why he did a doctorate in counselling psychology following his exit from the music industry, his choice to become a stay-at-home dad, his research on male gender norms, his return to music after a long hiatus, how he balances music and therapy work, and the new solo shows he's developed around mental health called 'The Secret to Happiness'.
The Boo Radleys are currently on a UK tour co-headlining with Cud – buy tickets here:
Dr Sice Rowbottom:
Twitter: @SiceBooRadleys
Instagram: @sice_boo_radleys
More on Sice and his work with MITC:
More on Balanced Psychology project:
More about Sice's solo shows 'The Secrets of Happiness':
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