Dec 22 2024 28 mins 5
STAND UP AND CLOWN (the show) is on hiatus! Chad will be doing his WIP show in early January (the last few have sold out), but then he’s leaving LA to teach and perform on the east coast (dates listed below)
The Clown Boss returns with another solo episode. This one covers a number of related topics, as Chad discusses what’s on his mind as he begins his holiday break. There’s a discussion of grief and performance, the necessity of training discomfort and thoughts on how young clowns rely too much on intellect when creating work.
Chad will be visiting the following cities in January. Baltimore (BIG Improv Theater), Bethlehem, PA (SteelStacks Improv Festival) and Philadelphia (his workshop has sold out, but he’s got a couple shows). Watch for information on Toronto, Chicago, Austin and other major cities in the coming weeks.
CHECK OUT CHAD’S LINKTREE for more information.
And don’t forget — you can reach out with questions or if you think you have a town that desperately needs clown
IG: @thechaddamiani