SB 30 Episode 85: Angels among us, with author Susan Cushman

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Jun 15 2023 41 mins   1

"For many years merely to talk of angels invited scorn. Belief bespoke of craziness, even schizophrenia, and certainly denoted a pitiful lack of intellect. But after eight decades of personal observation, I fearlessly assert that angels are real. We swim like fish in spiritual waters, and like fish we know nothing of water until we’re yanked out flopping and gasping on the grass. We’re tossed back and swim away, confused—“Was that real? Did I really see what I think I saw?” We live in a universe of goodness, one that wants more and better for us than we can possibly imagine, and, when our spiritual eyes open, we find beauty, hope and courage, even in our suffering. Angels form only one small part of it."

That's Sophy Burnham, from her forward to Susan Cushman's book All Night, All Day, life, death & angels, introducing readers to a subject that touches all of us. For this episode of StoryBoard 30, host Mark Fleischer sits down with author Susan Cushman for a personal, candid talk about losing friends or family members and the profound events, unexplainable connections, deep reflections, and spiritual awakenings that can accompany their deaths.

Recorded on June 12, 2023, at Playhouse on the Square in Midtown, Memphis, Tennessee.