Apr 11 2023 25 mins 26
Conclusion – Struggles in the Spiritual Life with Fr. Timothy Gallagher O.M.V.
Fr. Timothy Gallagher and Kris McGregor continue a 19-part series on the various Struggles in the Spiritual Life. This episode concludes the series with reflections from St. Therese of Lisieux.
You can pick up a copy of the book here:
An excerpt from the chapter, “Conclusion”:
“The day was August 8, 1897, the month before her death. Thérèse lay on her sickbed. Her sister Pauline was with her in the room. As she lay there, Thérèse pondered her life. In particular, she remembered the Christmas night eleven years earlier when she received what she had called “the grace of my complete conversion.” On that “night of light,” God’s grace and an act of courage liberated her from the nervousness and sensitivity that had oppressed her for years. Thérèse thought, too, of Judith in the Old Testament and of the courage with which she had acted. Thérèse began to speak.
Many, she told her sister, feel that they lack such courage. Then she said, “God never refuses that first grace that gives one the courage to act; afterwards, the heart is strengthened, and one advances from victory to victory.” That is the message of this book. A path to liberation from discouragement, confusion, and pain in the spiritual life exists.
God has not called us to captivity but to freedom. Clarity regarding the struggle is possible, and remedies are available. Begin. Take the first step. Take it now. And take it knowing that “God never refuses that first grace that gives one the courage to act; afterwards, the heart is strengthened, and one advances from victory to victory.” May that grace and that courage bless our spiritual lives.”
Gallagher O.M.V, Fr. Timothy ; Gallagher O.M.V, Fr. Timothy. Struggles in the Spiritual Life: Their Nature and Their Remedies (p. 144). Sophia Institute Press. Kindle Edition.
To find more episodes from this series, visit the Struggles in the Spiritual Life Podcast
From the book’s description: “Here is a powerful, life-changing book that will help you understand and conquer the struggles you face in your spiritual life. It’s a book for those who love the Lord and desire holiness yet often feel adrift or stagnant in their search for spiritual growth.
All of us encounter valleys on our journey with the Lord — those periods of spiritual desolation that are a painful yet unavoidable feature of our prayer life. Spiritual desolation is as complex as we are, so understanding what is happening and responding to it properly are critical to reaching the heights of holiness.
With warmth and understanding, Fr. Gallagher carefully identifies in this book the various forms of spiritual and nonspiritual desolation and supplies the remedy for each. You’ll learn how to discern whether your struggles derive from medical or psychological conditions or whether those struggles are spiritual and permitted by the Lord for reasons of growth. In each case, you’ll be given the remedy for the struggle. You’ll also learn the forms of spiritual dryness and of the Dark Night — and how to respond to them.
In chapter after chapter, Fr. Gallagher presents a particular struggle as experienced by fictional characters and then provides the advice he gives to those who come to him for spiritual direction about that struggle. You’ll gain confidence as you journey through desolation, and you’ll learn to reject the enemy’s ploys to infect you with a sense of hopelessness.”
Did you know that Fr. Timothy Gallagher has 14 different podcast series on Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts?
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