Dec 04 2024 83 mins 51
Student of the Gun University just conducted another Martial Application of the Rifle class at the Pro Gun Vegas facility in Boulder City, Nevada. We will give you some after-action and lessons learned from the event.
Despite the efforts of US Customs, counterfeit optics are making their way into the USA. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc, Professor Paul will discuss how to spot a counterfeit optic.
Are you prepared for all emergencies? During our SOTG Homeroom, we will consider how important it is to carry the fundamental four. Would you be ready to deal with an airplane dropping out of the sky in front of you on a highway?
FEATURING: Pro Gun Vegas, KSL, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University
PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical
FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X
- Huge thanks to our Partners:
EOTech | FrogLube | Hi-Point Firearms | Spike’s Tactical - [0:00:46] Xmas is coming; TSO and Christmas Story House
- [0:13:41] EOTech Talk -
- TOPIC: Beware Chinese Counterfeit optics! - $50 Optics are NOT Real
- [0:28:33] SOTG Homeroom - SOTG University
- TOPIC: Fundamental Four: Are you ready?
- Small airplane makes emergency landing on I-15, involved in multi-car crash
- [0:49:28] Beware Counterfeit Optics & Other Rifle Class Lessons
- Pro Gun Vegas -