S3 EP 285 - Hecate/Mythic Tarot Based on Carl Jung Psychology & Theravada Buddhism - Denny Dance.

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Jun 21 2024 72 mins   31
Subconscious Realms Episode 285 - Hecate Greek Pantheon/Mythic Tarot Based on Carl Jung Psychology & Theravada Buddhism. Ladies & Gentlemen, on this Episode of Subconscious Realms we welcome back Denny Dance to discuss; Hecate, Mythic Tarot Based on Carl Jung Psychology & Theravada Buddhism.🤯🔥🔥🔥 Hecate; Goddess of the Underworld. of night and darkness, of magic and enchantment, and of crossroads. controller of the hidden things of nature. Apollo’s twin sister. As Artemis gatekeeper of hidden realms and sacred knowledge. she was worshipped at gateways and junctions of three roads. she would send demons to earth to torment men through their dreams. she was most often found at crossroads, tombs and the scenes of crimeshe had the ancient power to bestow or withhold from mortals any desired giftrepresents the mysterious watery depths of the unconsciousthe light over her head suggests that she illuminates and brings wisdomwhen meeting with Hecate. one’s individual boundaries dissolve. and the sense of direction and ego are lostto live in the realm over which Hecate reigns is to live without knowledge and clarity although she herself brings light to dark places and reveals treasures that are hidden in the unconscious. It is said that Swiss psychologist Carl Jung discovered “the internal Tarot” of the human mind with his notion of archetypes. And it could be also argued that Tarot was already an underlying layer of the collective mind, which is where archetypes are printed —those fundamental images that constitute the psychic constellation of the human being. In a pack of 78 Tarot cards, much like the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, an entire mutant mental universe is ciphered, which can be used to form predictions. “We can predict the future,” Jung stated, “when we know how the present moment evolved from the past.” This evolution of the present is linked to the past, just as the conscious mind is subjected to the unconscious: the Tarot card or the hexagram is a visible manifestation of this connection, a type of synchronicity that forces itself to rise to the surface, but requiring, just as an oracle does, an accurate interpretation. Theravada, the “way of the elders,” rests on core Buddhist teachings and is the predominant form of Buddhism in Southeast Asia, where it has been practiced for twenty-two centuries. Theravada is often considered to have remained the closest to the Buddha’s original teachings and bears the most similarity to early Buddhism. The foundation of the Theravada school is the sermons, discourses, and teachings assembled in the Pali canon, which includes some of the earliest written records of the dharma. Like all forms of Buddhism, the Theravada school today is comprised of many different schools, some monastic and others more oriented toward lay practitioners. In the West, the popular Vipassana, or Insight Meditation, school is a lay meditation tradition based in Theravada tradition of Myanmar (formerly Burma). *Denny Dance; Email # @[email protected] */* "It all makes sense now. This place is magnification, concentration, purification. Now the world goes black. I see my reflection in a pool of blood. I kiss it all goodbye" *If you like this Content & feels it Educates you & Expands your awareness, please support our efforts to inform the Ignorant Public!* *Email - [email protected] */* PayPal - [email protected] */* *Twatter* # @SubconRealms33 / Insta # @subcon_realms33 / MINDS - @subconscious_realms / Subconscious Realms T-shirts are available - https://subconscious-realms.teemill.com/search/?search-term=Subconscious%20 👽🦎💣💣💣&🔥🔥🔥